Do You Want To Be an Entrepreneur? 3 Steps for Deciding Your Business Direction
If you want to be an entrepreneur, you may come with experience from various backgrounds. Perhaps you have a corporate background, wellness, creative, nonprofit, or come from an entirely different line of work. You may have always wanted to go into business for yourself, but you aren't sure how to decide which type of enterprise is right for you to start. Contact Jazmin Guerrero Consulting; check out the steps below for choosing a business idea and plan that works for you.
1. Take Inventory of Your Skills and Repurpose Them
You likely have skills in more diverse areas than you realize. For example, if you come from a healthcare background, you may have experience talking with and managing several different personalities. If you hail from the world of retail, you may have extensive knowledge of customer service policies, marketing trends, and store layouts that entice the viewer to buy products.
Use your experience as a stepping stone rather than scrapping it entirely in favor of entrepreneurship — even if you find yourself moving in a drastically different direction as you branch out on your own. According to The Balance Careers, you should try to find partners and employees who are as driven as you are, even though they may not have specific experience in the field of your new business.
2. Research the Market and Understand How You Fit In
There's no point in starting a cafe if there are already 25 similar stores in your current town. Similarly, you won't get far in an oversaturated online market either. Take the time to carefully research market demand, jot down ideas, and identify places where you might fill a gap.
For example, perhaps you've realized that opening a cafe isn't truly your dream: It's providing dining options and getting food to people quickly. Opening a fast delivery service in a town that doesn't currently have one (but needs one) would be an example of meeting a demand in the market that no one is filling — and that's where you can step in and build your business.
3. Use a Project Roadmap Template To Manage Time and Resources
Working for yourself can afford significant perks, such as setting your hours and being your own boss. If you let it, it can also take away all of your free time. Learn how to manage time and resources better by using a template to generate a product roadmap.
This tool can help you and every member of your team working on a specific project understand goals, deadlines, and pain points for your business. On a smaller scale, it will assist in the day-to-day planning of your operation. Your employees will have fewer questions for you because they will know where to look for answers.
You may begin with one idea only to find that after you've reviewed your skills and met with your partner, the reality of your new business will look much different than you imagined. This is fine and even expected. Choosing to be an entrepreneur, regardless of the scale of your venture, can be a rich, profitable experience that often surprises you. Be sure to select a career path that makes sense for you and manage your time and expectations during the first months and years as it grows.
Jazmin Guerrero Consulting can help you discover time-tested action-based strategies to help you develop and grow your business. Want to learn more? Reach out and book a call.
Credit: Katie Conroy,